How to maintain a healthy bathroom and eliminate possible diseases

The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in your home and business. It's not used all the time, but it is crucial to keep it clean and germ-less as much as possible. It is a perfect ground for spreading bacteria and germs that can cause possible diseases. It's not enough to keep your bathroom tidy and clean it sometimes. Regular cleaning, at least once a week, will help get rid of all bacteria, fungi, etc. If you want to know how to maintain a healthy bathroom, read on.


Before cleaning your bathroom top to bottom, you have to get rid of all unnecessary items that you don't use. Bathrooms are commonly cluttered, from counters to cabinets to shelves. Many of the items don't even belong in a bathroom. If you haven't used a product in the last 4-6 months throw it out. It's probably over the expired date. You also don't need four bottles of body wash, shampoo or soap. Keep only the thing you use regularly because untouched products only pile up germs on them. It's a lot easier to clean the bathroom if it's not filled with products.

Keep everything dry

The bathroom is the perfect place for mold to thrive in and spread. Bathrooms are often wet and moist, and if not dried properly, it's easy for mold to appear. When you are done showering, dry out and wipe down the tiles and shower curtain. If you have a shower instead of a bathtub, keep a squeegee in the shower to wipe down water from the doors. Wipe down the counters as they always get wet from hand washing. Dry your towels after use and never place them in the clothes bin if damp. It's easy for mold to appear and spread to other items.

Clean the toilet

The toilet is a surface in the bathroom most filed with bacteria and germs. It has a high potential for health danger, with many possible viruses and bacteria, like Rotavirus and Enterococcus living on it. Making sure your toilet is clean spotless, and germ-free, will help you and your family stay healthy. Start by generously applying a toilet bowl disinfectant, especially under the rim, and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. While the solution sits, spray the rest of the toilet with a bathroom cleaner or disinfectant wipes. Don't forget the area around the toilet. Scrub the toilet bowl with a stiff brush, and wipe up the rest of the toilet. Scrub the floor too.

Wash the tub

Mildew and mold are often residents of our bathtubs and showers. Clean the tub or shower on a regular basis to prevent the accumulation of mold and germs. Spray the whole tub and shower with a bathroom cleaner. Don't forget the faucets and shower-head. When it sits for a bit, scrub it all down and wash off. The tiles in the tub area are very prone to mold. After every bath or shower, wipe them dry to prevent mold in the grout.

Clean the sink

Sinks are used as often as the toilet, even more, and are easily dirtied. It is the first place that will look dirty. Hair falls into the sink, soap and toothpaste pile up, etc. The faucet handles are a prime place for germs and viruses to spread. They are the first thing we touch when we come from outside and after going to the toilet. Spray the sink with a disinfectant, as well as the faucet and handles. Leave wet for a couple of minutes until the germs are destroyed. Rinse thoroughly. Wipe down spots and soap regularly to prevent build-up.

Check your plumbing

Plumbing is a big part of bathroom construction. When plumbing gets clogged or dirty, it can start to spread odors and even stop the draining completely, and flood your bathroom. Take necessary precautions to not clog your drains. This includes stoping the hair from going down the drain with a stopper, regular cleaning with natural solutions of vinegar and baking soda, etc. A good plumbing system is also crucial for long-lasting plumbing. If you need replacement, or you are installing new plumbing, you can consult Canberra Plumbing for all your repairs.

Scrub the floors

Floors are often neglected until they get visibly dirty. Since bathroom floors are mainly made from tiles, you will need less abrasive cleaning solutions to not strip away their shine. They will also not leave streaks or residue. If your bathroom is high-traffic, you will need a tougher solution to kill all the germs, maybe even a bleach solution. Wipe the floors every few days to keep them regularly clean.


The best solution to keep your bathroom healthy and germ-free is regular cleaning. Clean the surfaces every day, sanitize it regularly, and disinfect it thoroughly at least once every two weeks. Making the cleaning into a regular habit will help cut down on time needed to clean the whole bathroom. Make sure you are using appropriate cleaning solutions for the bathroom to ensure erasure of germs and bacteria.

Guest Author

Ron Wolf

Ron Wolf is a hobby designer and a DIY enthusiast, and, above all, a very blessed father of two. Besides that, he has a strong passion for writing. He is a featured blogger at various blogs and magazines in which he shared his research and experience with the vast online community. If he is not working he enjoys being outside with his family. Hiking, bike riding, and BBQing are always a thing for him. In the evening, he likes to watch documentaries or build something with kids in their lego corner.