Blog: Nick Brown

How to Lower Your Bounce Rate and Increase Your Rankings

Lower Your Bounce Rate

To understand how to lower your bounce rate, we first have to define what a bounce rate actually is. This is the percentage of people who just enter your website without viewing anything on it. In other words, someone Googles something, they enter your site, they don't see what they need and bail completely. In other words, they bounce. Having a high bounce rate can really hurt your business, which is why it's important to get to the cause of the problem. You can work towards lowering your bounce rate, though.

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Key Factors to Boost Conversions by Implementing Psychology and Web Design

Psychology and Web Design

Web design is in an interesting spot right now, located at the crossroads of several sciences and arts. Design, web optimization, marketing, and other professions are all trying to make websites more influential with their many methods and their applied knowledge.

One of the most overlooked aspects of good web design is the psychological aspect. How websites make users feel is extremely important. Designers are slowly warming up to the idea of using psychology to further their website's goals. Here are some ways you can apply psychology to web designs.

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Designing Mobile Websites for Voice Search in 2019

Designing for Voice Search

When was the last time you spent a few hours away from your phone? Exactly! Smartphones have revolutionized the way we communicate, do business, shop, and learn to the point where it's hard to imagine going through life without one.

People from all walks of life regularly use their smartphones to look up products and services on the go and it is predicted that around 80% of online purchases will be made via smartphones by 2020.

As enamored as we are with texting for hours and endlessly scrolling on our mobile devices, we still crave the immediacy and nuances of the human voice when looking for a solution to a problem. Hence, the surging popularity of voice search technology.

Not only is voice search a faster and more convenient way to find information online, but voice search results that mimic real human conversations are, also, more trustworthy than textual content and can actually drive more traffic to your website and significantly boost engagement rates.

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Problems with Hiring a Foreign National for Short-term Assignments

Foreign Worker Logistics

If you're a young entrepreneur who owns a business, you know how much work and willpower it takes to get there. But starting a business is not the end of the road. It won't grow by itself - it needs to be carefully maintained. After you've built your killer office, the next step is to fill it with killer employees. And there's always a chance you won't be able to find people with adequate knowledge or set of skills in your own country, which means that you'll probably have to hire some foreign experts.

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