There is one thing you need to understand and that is that marketing can and will let you open the door. In fact, it may even allow you to look inside, to take a peek for a minute. However, it’s never going to hold the door for you, the door won’t be open on its own. The best and most popular design, the most attractive style for your communication and branding won’t matter much if people just can’t use whatever you are providing.
Any product, whether that’s an app, a website, a service, it all serves the experience of the user. And if the user is not happy with what you offer, then you will not be able to provide any possible conversions. All you get is wasted money and failed, very high bounce rates. If you want to truly overcome poor UX design, if you want to get the most out of dead marketing, you need to make things more user-friendly. And, well, you are in luck, because our article deals with exactly that.
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