Fast Financial Forecast

I recently came upon two similar yet different interesting financial projection apps. They are simple to use and do not require any login or credentials. Both resources are single page sites that take less than a minute to tweak. Keep in mind these are not intended to be feature rich or all inclusive. The sole purpose for these resources is quickly giving you financial forecasts of how much money you will make or need to make based on other factors you plug in or change.

Stand to Make - Cost - Free -This app puts your inputs into a contextual paragraph explaining what you will make based on your pricing, number of sales, length of time and payment provider fees. Since I encountered this app several weeks ago, they have added additional payment providers for even more accuracy.

Your Rate - Cost - Free - This app takes your inputs and lets you know what you should be charging at an hourly rate to make the amount of money you are targeting. There are only 3 inputs for you to change, how much you want to make, how many hours you want to work per week and how many weeks off you want during the year. This is also a very slick app.

I hope you all find these two apps useful and beneficial to your business venture.