Blog: In Focus

Mount Pleasant Possibilities

Our close neighbor, across the Ravenel bridge, has some interesting options that startups and entrepreneurs should keep in mind. Both resources they offer are fairly new to the area. Mount Pleasant has both a business incubator and a business accelerator.

The business incubator Biz Inc is actually sponsored by Mount Pleasant itself. The business accelerator The Harbor Accelerator is a separate venture but has partnered with Biz Inc. Each of these have their own unique positions and features to explore.

  • Biz Inc - Cost - $250/month - The town provides the businesses with a cubicle, phone service, Internet and access to a conference room. A business can locate in the incubator for its first 12 months of operation. After 12 months they are encourged to find a permanent space within the community.

  • The Harbor Accelerator - Cost - $0 - The cost is free, however, this is a program you and/or venture must apply to and they must offer you acceptance into the program. The program they offer is a 14 week intensive co…