The Keys to Successful Remote Working

Successful Remote Working

Remote work is a great opportunity for both employers and employees. Dedicated employees can provide high-quality work for their company without having to set foot in an actual office. This allows for a lot more versatility and availability throughout the workday, meaning that projects can be finished smoothly and without issue.

Employers can expect very productive workdays from their well-rested and comfortable employees. Of course, it's never as cut and dry as it is in theory. There are some drawbacks that come with remote work and both employees and employers need to work on overcoming them. Here are some of the key factors of a successful remote working system.

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How Online Reviews Affect Small Businesses

Small Business Reviews

There are new trends emerging in the world of marketing every day. While online reviews have been around for quite some time it seems they've never been more important than they are at the moment. Studies have shown that about 90 percent of customers read at least one online review before buying a product. Not only that but the majority of customers claim they trust online reviews more than friend recommendations. With that said, it's obvious that every business out there can benefit from online reviews. But how exactly do online reviews affect your small business? Read on to find out.

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5 Ways to Reduce Overspending in Your Business

Reduce Business Overspending

Whether it's the rental of your floor space or utility bills, costs rack up quickly when running a business. Every business has a goal to increase profits, and a great way to start is to reduce expenses. While you can reduce some of your business expenses, you can't eliminate them all. Here are five ways to reduce overspending in your business.

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From Startup to Scale Up: How to Prepare Your Business For Growth in 2019

So, your startup is successfully up and running, and now you’re contemplating scaling.

In order to create a big business out of a startup, you first need to consider whether your company is viable for scaling.

Is your startup capable of growing? And more importantly, can it adapt to higher demand without compromising on quality or performance?

Scaling startup operations can be risky. Too soon, and it can result in failure. Too late and you'll miss out on a greater revenue that comes with seizing key opportunities.

However, if you believe your business is ready for growth, read our tips to go from startup to scale-up: how to prepare your business for growth in 2019.

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What You Don't Quite Understand About PPC Advertising

Focus Your PPC Efforts

Digital marketing doesn't always come easy. Not only does it take time and concerted effort to see results through content marketing, social media marketing, SEO and the like, but many business leaders simply don't understand the whats, whys and hows of digital marketing strategy. Unfortunately, this means that many business leaders aren't well-equipped to make the right marketing decisions, which can weaken the business or destine it to a slow, agonizing defeat.

One of the weakest areas of digital marketing across business leaders tends to be pay-per-click advertising, or PPC. PPC seems like it should be an outdated tactic not suited to cutting-edge, modern enterprise - but in fact the opposite is true. Before you make the wrong choice to ignore PPC in your digital marketing strategy, you should learn more about what PPC is and how it can help your business flourish online.

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