Blog: Operations

Accounting Mistakes NYC Commercial Real Estate Pros Make

NYC Commercial Real Estate

Are you a commercial real estate dealer in NYC and want to thrive in the market? The only mantra to succeed in this industry "abreast of your accounting operations"! Many real estate dealers overlook finances and when any tax reform is introduced by the government, handling books becomes quite painful for them.

As we are talking about NYC commercial real estate partners, according to economists, the new tax reform is on their way, and it is predicted that it would be fortunate for commercial real estate companies.

All the dealers are in a cheerful mood, realizing that their tax season would be seamless. But New York City's tax codes are very complex, and if you don't know the rules, you may face unpleasant scenarios. And as the adage goes "Numbers don't lie" because whenever you talk about your agency's success, you need appropriate numbers that describe sales and properties sold out.

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Top 4 Overlooked Office Safety Hazards

Overlooked Safety Hazards

Compared to field work like construction, mining, and chemical mixing, working at a desk is relatively safer. Of course, that doesn't mean that the office is completely devoid of hazards.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2017, there were approximately 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported by private industry employers. Such injuries lead to lost hours, hefty health care fees, and lost productivity.

Here are the top 4 overlooked office safety hazards and some tips on how to prevent them.

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The Crucial Ingredient for a Successful Customer Service

You've been in business for over 3 years now, and you've reached a place of stability. Your startup is in a lovely plateau and while the consistency is nice, you're hoping for a big boom in the next six months to a year to really give your brand the recognition it surely deserves.

You have your business plan. You have your team. You have an array of products and services which serve your existing customers well, and you have a fair amount of new faces coming to call on a regular basis.

Yet, you seem to only see a small percentage of those faces more than once. You just can't understand it. You view your customers as your friends, not tiny instruments in the money-making machine, but obviously they are not viewing you the same way.

Something needs to change.

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The Role of Marketing Automation in the Insurance Industry

Marketing Automation

The insurance sector has mastered the skill of managing and comprehending heaps of data generated on a daily basis. This business industry is usually very vigilant, extremely controlled by government bodies and en route to a lower amount of transformation rather than fast technological development. But as the period of digitalization continues to transform the way businesses operate, insurers are gently but surely understanding the benefits of automation.

The insurance industry is far from the concept of marketing automation that offers personalized communication with each across a wide target audience. It helps you gain deep insights of every individual and react on it, which ultimately help insurers to augment their customer satisfaction ratio.

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5 Things To Consider When Planning A Conferencing Event

Planning A Conference

Putting on a conferencing event is a great way for your business to showcase new products and services and create a sense of excitement and buzz. Whether your business is explicitly showcasing something new or is simply throwing a party to say "thank you" to your customers and clients, the purpose is to network, create working relationships and build trust and rapport. If you don't have a rapport with clients and leads and industry professionals, your business will suffer.

If you're in the planning stages of your event, there are some things that require careful consideration - the guest list, the speakers and their presentations, the show run and event agenda, the venue, and the catering. Below is more information to set you on the right track.

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